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Medication Burn Out Assumed – Brody

19 Year Old with Depression and Panic Attacks Brody had a recurrence of panic disorder after 20 symptom-free years. Brody was a funny really warm-hearted young man. When I first met him, 29 years ago, he was 19. He was sent to me after he had been hospitalized for depression and panic attacks. He was […]

Herbal Medicine and Health

Rebecca Snow, MS, CNS, LN, RH(AHG)  has been practicing herbal medicine and nutrition for 10 years at the Maryland University of Integrative Health in a variety of roles including Founding Director of the MS in Nutrition and Integrative Health Program and faculty/supervisor in the herbal medicine and nutrition departments. Dr. Hedaya will discuss the following questions with her: 1. How […]

New Lyme Disease Book for Kids & Adults

Lyme disease is reaching epidemic proportions. Lyme Disease is the great imitator of our day, presenting symptomatically in many different ways. This coming year is expected to see a very large rise in reported cases due to the growth in the white footed mouse population, one of the prime vectors for Lyme disease. Children, who […]