A recent study known as the Colorado Thyroid Disease Prevalence Study, found that 13 million Americans may have undiagnosed thyroid conditions, and suggested that more widespread thyroid testing is needed. Among their findings are the fact that 9.9 percent of the population had a thyroid abnormality that had gone unrecognized. An underactive thyroid — hypothyroidism […]
CNN & MSNBC interview Dr. Hedaya about the mental state of the pilot of the EgyptAir 990 plane crash
Dr. Hedaya discusses the mental state of the pilot who allegedly purposefully crashed EgyptAir’s Flight 990.
Traditional Medicine and You
Yet despite these limitations, if I break my arm, or have an acute illness, I want a really good traditional doc. They do a pretty good job with acute illness. And if I have a chronic illness, I want a really good integrative medicine person. My advice: On a day-to-day basis always be your own […]
Medicine Is Trendy and Cyclical
The behavior patterns I have outlined above go far back in time. If you are interested, read “Mad in America”. This 400-year history of the psychiatric establishment demonstrates the financial engine, masked as science, which has driven most developments in the field. Roughly fifty year cycles of new paradigms recur: invention, profit, and disillusion regularly […]
Evidence Based Medicine Sounds Good, Right?
So where is the problem? First of all chronic illnesses, which are the major focus of our health care system, usually do not occur in isolation. The woman who has heart disease generally has insulin resistance and osteoporosis too. Also, because of advances in the field of genetics, we now know that if you conduct […]
A Modern Myth: Medicine as Science: Part II
I am waking to the fact that there is a long-term historical pattern of disinformation. Despite the periodic real advances in medicine over the centuries, facts demonstrate that the medical field dons the mask of science on a pretty regular basis. Here is a brief outline of some additional evidence: a) There are raging political-economic […]
A Modern Myth: Medicine as Science
On January 17th, 2008, the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, published a landmark paper by Eric Turner and others: “Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials and Its Influence on Apparent Efficacy”. This paper showed that among 74 FDA registered studies of antidepressants, 31% were not published. 37 studies showing positive results were published, while studies […]
Whole Psychiatry: Healthy Mind, Healthy Body – Dr. Robert Hedaya & Rabbi Shais Taub