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Covid’s Lasting Effects Deserve Rigorous Study

The risks of over-diagnosing a syndrome are real, but that does not mean that the syndrome does not exist. Jeremy Devine declares that “long Covid” and some other illnesses, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, are not biological disorders, but are psychological, psychosomatic diseases, and mislabeled manifestations of depression or anxiety (“The Dubious Origins of Long […]

POST-COVID-19 Syndrome

A recent Wall Street Journal article highlighted what some people (possibly more women than men) are experiencing after they recovered from the acute COVID-19 illness. The symptoms, which may be relapsing and remitting, are similar to dysautonomia, chronic fatigue syndrome–also called myologic encephalitis [ME], or chronic fatigue immune dysfunction [CFID]– (severe fatigue, brain fog, exercise intolerance, […]