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ReCode & Dr Hedaya’s Brain-Saver ™ Program

Overview: Take out the bad, put in the good.
Whether you call it ReCode (per Dr. Dale Bredesen) or Dr. Hedaya’s Brain-Saver Program TM, this is a scientific data-based approach to restoring optimal brain function in people with subjective and mild cognitive impairment as well as neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Dr. Hedaya’s Brain Saver program and the ReCode Program are based on the principles of Functional Medicine. Dr. Hedaya has been using this program for reversal of dementia since 2009 when he successfully reversed a case of mid-stage dementia (a 63-year-old woman who was getting dressed in the AM, putting her bra over her shirt).

In this very personalized and thorough approach, we identify all health-damaging factors and correct them. At the same time, we identify and replace or restore what is needed to support restoration of brain health. Early intervention aids recovery of brain function, and importantly, brain resilience.

4 Sources of Damage to the Brain

 1.Inflammatory agents and processes: (Diet, Infections, Mold, Genetics): Evidence is abundant that we live in a balance with bacteria and viruses.  However, the evidence is also abundant that chronic low-grade infections cause deterioration in brain function. In fact, it is now thought that the ‘excess’ levels of Beta-amyloid found in Alzheimer’s disease, are actually the body’s anti-bacterial response to low-grade infection in the brain.

2.Diet, nutrition, and hormones: The typical western diet leads to the development of high blood sugar levels, damaging fats, cardiovascular deterioration and nutritional deficits. As a result of these and other factors, hormones which are needed to maintain normal brain function begin to fail.

3.Chemicals and toxic metals: We live in a world filled with thousands of synthetic chemicals. Many of these are toxic to our bodies and in particular our nervous systems. Many of us are routinely exposed to heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, tin, and arsenic. At high levels these metals impact nervous system function (e.g., certain forms of mercury prevent the growth of new brain cells).

Depending on ones genetic vulnerabilities, life experiences, and dietary habits, the body may be able to buffer the negative effects of these chemicals and metals for many years. Typically, however, the accumulation of chronic damage to the nervous system, adds vulnerability which is unmasked during times of stress.

4.Stress: Relationships, attitudes, and finances are common sources of stress. Other more hidden sources are sleep disorders, which are equivalent to a biological toxin, or chronic pain.

How the Brain-Saver ™ Program Program Works: 

3 Steps to Save Your Brain.

Step 1: Evaluation

An initial evaluation (3 and ½ hours) is designed to identify the underlying root causes of your symptoms. It includes a comprehensive history, questionnaires, computerized and genetic screening tests, review of past records, and physical exam. Testing is done to determine what type of dementia is present. When the suspected root causes and vulnerabilities (the ‘bad stuff’) are provisionally identified, phase 1 testing is planned to confirm or reject the suspected factors and measure the degree of dysfunction. First phase interventions are implemented.

Step 2: Primary treatment

Four to eight weeks after phase 1 testing is done, your doctor spends 2-4 hours reviewing the results of the testing and formulating your initial treatment plan. The patient and a caregiver will meet with the doctor to review the results of the testing and go over the plan, and how to implement it. Based on the results of the phase 1 testing, further testing may be ordered.

Step 3:  Advanced treatment

Four to six weeks after the primary treatment plan is introduced, results of genetic testing and advanced metabolic testing become available. At this time, reviewing your entire genome with the use of the most up-to-date software, your physician spends 2-4 hours identifying which genetic networks are potentially causing vulnerability to chronic brain disorders. These networks are then cross-referenced with the metabolic testing to determine which genetic networks are actually causing the patients vulnerability.  Based on this fundamental information, and any additional testing that was ordered in Step 2 a final treatment plan is created. Follow up testing is done to determine that the identified abnormalities have been corrected.

Resources required for a successful the program

The Brain Saver program is NOT a temporary intervention. Rather it is an approach to a permanent lifestyle change. The program requires a significant investment of time, energy, and financial resources. It works to the degree that it is implemented.

Resources required for a successful outcome

The Brain Saver program is NOT a temporary intervention. Rather it is an approach to a permanent lifestyle change. The program requires a significant investment of time, energy, and financial resources. It works to the degree that it is implemented.

Results which can be expected:

In subjective cognitive impairment (SCI), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and early Alzheimer’s disease most patients can expect, with full implementation of the program, to have a highly significant return of function. This statement is based on published data(1) , as well as clinician experience, and reflects an NIH grant-supported program, which Dr. Hedaya has used since 1998, for chronic illness, and since 2009 for reversal of dementia.
Bredesen, DE. Reversal of Cognitive Decline: A Novel Therapeutic Program. Aging. Vol. 6;9: 707-717. 2014