Advanced Therapeutic Modalities
HYLANE Program
To fully normalize brain function, Dr. Hedaya has developed an approach which layers a series of three technologies (HYLANE) onto functional medicine, demonstrating how clinicians can extend their healing abilities to specifically targeted brain networks (and symptom clusters), and cortical dysfunctions with remarkable results. These technologies, working inside the brain, are:
- HYperbaric oxygen therapy
- LAser (qEEG guided laser)
- Neural Exercises
Dr. Hedaya has been certified in psychopharmacology and is not against the use of medication. He believes its use must be limited when possible. Our primary goal is to determine and treat the root causes of disease rather than relying on medications alone for symptom relief, which may mask underlying problems and may cause additional side effects. Failure to address root causes of symptoms reduces the effectiveness of medication and eventually leads to recurrence of symptoms. Our motto is “Better Health, Less Medicine”
Additional Therapeutic Modalities
We incorporate the methodology and tools that are specifically indicated for each patient. These may include:
- Orthomolecular Medicine
- The Walsh Protocol
- Psychopharmacology
- Genetic Analysis
- Methylation Analysis
- The Bredesen Protocol
- Prevention & Treatment of Dementia
- Mold Assessment and Treatment
A qEEG showing brain connectivity and function. The qEEG provides invaluable data about the condition of the brain.
Traditional Treatment Modalities for Psychiatric Disorders
Medication and Psychotherapy
The primary way of helping people today is through the use of medication and psychotherapy. Medications can be augmented by adding other medications or thyroid hormone which results in a different mechanism of action together. Sometimes this works miraculously, but too often this approach leaves much to be desired.
Medication Problems & Limits
Many times the side effect burden is more than patients can handle and compliance becomes a major issue. Then there is the unpleasant fact that most of our medications increase the risk of metabolic syndrome, and push people along the path toward weight gain, diabetes, and osteoporosis over time. Diabetes increases inflammation in the body, and inflammation is a major contributor to nearly every chronic health problem in Western Society.
The evidence of this failure is manifest in the following facts:
- Most patients don’t have full recovery
- Psychiatric conditions develop along with, not separate from, the major chronic illnesses (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, early death, osteoporosis)
- The economic impact on individuals, families, co-workers, businesses, and communities of these limitations is quite large.
Advanced Therapeutic Modalties vs. Traditional Treatment
How are the advanced therapeutic modalities different from the traditional treatment approach to mental health issues?
For one, the amount of time our physicians spend during the initial evaluation (three to five hours). More traditional practitioners will spend an hour or so.
Why, you ask, do we spend so much time with you at the outset?
The simple answer:
How long do you think it would it take for 7 different doctors (a psychiatrist, an immunologist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a gastroenterologist, a nutritionist, a toxicologist, a sleep specialist) and a biochemist, to thoroughly evaluate you, each in their own specialty? Probably a lot longer than 5 hours! Patients often say, “It’s like going to the Mayo clinic, only better, because all that information is in one doctor!”
The deeper answer:
Over the course of four decades in medicine Dr. Hedaya has learned that most medical sub-specialists are excellent at dealing with ‘train-wrecks’ (e.g., Graves’ Disease or pneumonia) but wholly inadequate when it comes to recognizing and treating the more subtle areas of dysfunction, which contribute to and cause all manner of chronic illnesses. Because his patients needed help from these sub-specialists, but none was forthcoming, Dr. Hedaya took it on himself to learn what he needed to, so that he could give people the help they needed. Since the people seeking Dr. Hedaya’s help want to get to the root causes of their problems, Dr. Hedaya believes that a genuine evaluation cannot be partial. It must include a careful and thoughtful assessment of all of the above-mentioned fields of medicine.
As The Pioneer medical practice in the use of Functional Medicine in Neuropsychiatric disorders, we have more 20 years of experience in functional medicine, more than any one in the field. Dr. Hedaya leads the psychiatric training at the Institute for Functional Medicine, has written a monograph for the Institute of Functional Medicine on the subject of depression, in addition to contributing to the primary Functional Medicine textbook.
Dr. Hedaya is moving the neuropsychiatric field forward, with the use of cutting edge technologies that actually target specific brain pathways, bringing never before seen changes to people with neuropsychiatric disorders. He has taken traditional neuropsychiatry, Functional Medicine, and incorporated them into the unique HYLANE Program™.
Patients ask what makes our practice different. The answer is so many things, but the short answer is, “We have been around long enough to know what works and what doesn’t work. Importantly, we also know how to get people better as quickly as possible. Our program is thorough, incisive, and fine-tuned and granular, down to the genetic level for each patient. Patients’ successes are dramatic. They are able to function at levels they once could, or have gone beyond to function at higher levels than ever.”
Laser Reflections
written by Lynn W., daughter 06-2022
Since 2018, mom has been slowly suffering with “trying to find her words”. Our family eats dinner together every night and mom is always the chef. Over the past six months or so the conversations with her at dinner have changed. Sometimes we aren’t sure if it is because she can’t hear us or if it is because she doesn’t understand what we are talking about. While likely a combination of both, it appears she is exhausted and somewhat distraught by the end of our meal. We often invite her to retire to her room to try and relax as soon as dinner is over, often by 6:30 or 7:00pm.This very brief summary of her story is significant in regards to the laser treatment.
By the end of our first appointment with Dr. Hedaya, we all agreed that laser treatment would be a component of her treatment plan. Being over twelve hours from home and knowing we would need more planning for this particular series of treatments, we decided to see what a couple of sessions could do. It was at the end of our four-hour appointment, which had started at noon.
We left the facility somewhere around 5pm and I asked her what she experienced from the laser. She said that her head felt warm in the laser treated area but not an uncomfortable warm, just a “noticing”. She seemed relaxed in her posture and happy. We both felt inspired that Dr. Hedaya and the team had hope and belief in helping us find potential solutions for her condition.
As we left the parking garage she announced she knew the words “computer” and “chia”! “I remember them”, she exclaimed! Throughout the day these words had been difficult for her to retrieve and she would get “stuck” looking for them in her head. I smiled after her announcement and as we drove back to the campground, I skeptically and sarcastically thought to myself, “sure, the laser worked THAT fast”!
Upon returning to our RV around 6pm, I expected her to be exhausted and quiet, ready to end the evening early. Shockingly to me, she sat and communicated with our friend who had been watching our dogs. She spoke quite clearly with minimal pauses or loss of words. She didn’t show confusion on her face nor did she try to shut down the conversation for lack of understanding! While she was tired, it was peculiar in the sense that she wasn’t exhausted like she should have been for the long day we had sharing so many stories!
After he left, she remained a “giddy little school girl” the rest of evening! We talked like we used to and she even asked questions and understood the responses, after 8pm! She expressed that she really didn’t feel tired and giggled herself to sleep that first night!
The next day we went back for a second session and she again expressed the warmth and feelings of relaxation it gave to her entire body. For the first time in a LONG time she truly seemed relaxed in her own skin. She was calm and sociable, not anxious or nervous. She wasn’t frantically searching for a word in the middle of a thought or sentence. We drove north to Niagara Falls for seven hours and mom stayed active and alert and retained her energy all day long.
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