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Brain Training at Home: NEUROFEEDBACK

Modern neuroscience has shown us that we have more personal control over our brain than we ever thought possible. We can change attitudes, beliefs, emotional states, and behavior; all by using the power of neuroplasticity. Our leading-edge remote neurofeedback brain training programs harness the brain’s capacity for change, training your mind so you can operate at your peak. The ability to strengthen your cognitive weaknesses, to re-route thought patterns and break emotional habits can be life changing.

High performers achieve enhanced focus, mental resilience and decision ability. We aid cognitive and learning skills and provide symptom resolution for a variety of emotional and brain-based conditions.

Neurofeedback is used to many conditions such as:

  • Anxiety, ADHD, ADD, stress disorders, panic attacks, depression, headaches, migraines, some forms of memory concerns, and sleep issues.

Aside from its use in medical settings, many professional athletes, Olympians, and even business professionals use neurofeedback to improve their performance through improved focus and stress management.

Many individuals experience supplemental benefits to neurofeedback training, like

  • improved sleep quality, less anxiety, greater ability to adapt and tackle daily challenges.

How Neurofeedback at Home Works 

We send you a Neurofeedback at Home kit which contains everything you will. 
Sessions are one hour long.  You will be scheduled for a series of daily sessions. A technician will be with you remotely throughout your session.

There is no pain involved in the sessions. You are seated in front of a computer watching videos of your choosing. Most patients find the sessions enjoyable. Sometimes you can feel a bit sleepy after the session if your brain was working very hard.A technician is monitoring your progress and running a software protocol that your doctor has prescribed for your brain.

You will need a quiet place do have your sessions. You will want to have access to water to wash the gel out of your hair after the session. 

How Is Your Neurofeedback Protocol Determined?

  1. We use Quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG) for our initial assessment, to design your neurofeedback training program, and to track your progress over your sessions. It involves nothing more than wearing a sensor cap so we can listen to what your brain is doing. We are tracking your brainwaves. 
  2. During your qEEG assessment, Dr. Hedaya gathers and edits the data, processes your maps and reviews it with you on the spot; no need to wait a week for an outside lab to process the data and make training recommendations
  3. Once Dr. Hedaya can see the reason for your struggles on a brain level, he can create a neurofeedback training program to help resolve it.
  4. After several sessions Dr. Hedaya gathers a fresh qEEG allowing progress tracking and updates to your training as you progress.  Your sessions truly personalized and dynamic.


“Brain regions that function together to carry out normal (and abnormal) mental operations can be thought as analogous to electrical circuits – the latest research shows that the malfunctioning of entire circuits may underlie many mental disorders.” Three years later Insel announced that NIMH was “re-orienting its research away from DSM categories”36 and focusing instead on “disorders of the human connector.”37

As explained by Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (of which NIMH is a part), “The connectome refers to the exquisitely interconnected network of neurons (nerve cells) in your brain. Like the genome, the microbiome, and other exciting ‘ome” fields, the effort to map the connectome and decipher the electrical signs that zap through it to generate your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors has become possible through development of powerful new tools and technologies.”38 The connectome is now being mapped in detail under the auspices of NIMH.

van der Kolk, B. A. (2014). The Body Keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma. New York, NY: Penguin Books. P. 331

35 Thomas R. Insel, “Faulty Circuits,” Scientific American 302, no. 4 (2010): 44-51. Available at:

36 T. Insel, “Transforming Diagnosis,” National Institute of Mental Health, Director’s Blog, April 29, 2013,

37 Joshua W. Buckholtz and Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, “Psychopathology and the Human Connectome: Toward a Transdiagnostic Model of Risk for Mental Illness,” Neuron 74, no. 4 (2012): 990-1004.

38 F. Collins, “The Symphony Inside Your Brain,” NIH Director’s Blog, November 5, 2012,