We spend all our clinical hours providing direct high quality patient care. We can only do this by eliminating a layer of administration that comes with insurance billing. Our office does not accept insurance and does not participate in Medicare or Medicaid plans.
Early adopters: Open to cutting edge treatments based on science and objective data and measurements.
Readiness for change: You have decided that it is time for action to halt and reverse your condition, and are ready to do whatever it takes.
Symptoms: Trouble finding words, understanding spoken or written language, expressing yourself, memory difficulties, changes in behavior, depression and anxiety.
Conditions: Aphasia, Mild cognitive impairment, early Dementia (Alzheimer’s, FTD, Parkinson’s and Lewy Body).
Resources: You have the time and support to devote to recovering your brain function
Motivation: You are motivated to get well, and your health care decisions are not driven primarily by financial concerns.
Access: Easy access to our office in Eatontown N.J.
Evaluation: Comprehensive baseline testing including comprehensive blood/urine screening (LabCorp), computerized cognitive testing, Neuroquant Brain MRI, qEEG, comprehensive history gathering, including review of previous records.
Testing: You will do most of your testing within the 2-weeks following the initial evaluation.
Meeting: Once the above is completed and received, you will meet with the doctor for 2.5 hours, when all items will be reviewed and treatment will be initiated.
Communication: Your doctor and the support team will stay in communication with you during your test taking process, to answer any questions you may have.
Support: We offer psychological, and coaching support if needed.
The HYLANE Program is a groundbreaking treatment strategy developed by Dr. Hedaya, a leader in integrative psychiatry and brain health. This innovative program layers three advanced technologies onto the foundation of functional medicine to address the core of brain dysfunction and help restore your mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall well-being.
Our comprehensive HYLANE approach combines the traditional psychiatric methods of medication and psychotherapy.
Our goal is always to determine underlying causes of disease rather than using medication as a Band-Aid which masks underlying problems, and causes additional harm.